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Greetings, dear reader.

Feel free to grab yourself a fresh cup of coffee, perhaps a cup of tea even, and get settled in. This introduction shouldn't take long. What you've stumbled upon is my little piece of the Internet. Simple, modest, and authentic, like a warm, cozy cabin.

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As an individual who's lived a life hand-in-hand with Infosec, I've yearned to pass on my lessons learned and give back to the community I hold so dear to my heart. That is how this place came to be. Never before has humanity been so interconnected yet so dejected. Social media desensitizes us, mega-corporations influence us, and data has become a commodity more valuable than gold.

Advertisements, propaganda, and noise - a mere vestige of what was the early Web.
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That said, this site will never be more than what you see now. No ads, no unnecessary politics, no noise. Just notes and tidbits from my research (with the occasional outliner). Hunker down, and unencumber your mind. To the Cyber practitioner or curious onlooker, whomever you might be, I welcome you to my humble security blog.


 2023 •  Ripped (with ♥) from: §moonwalk §tmp.0ut § §primary