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     |.     =Here be Knowledge=      |             
     |.                              |             
     |. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet,  |             
     |.                              |             
     |. consectetur adipiscing elit, |             
     |.                              |             
     |. atur aut odit aut fugit, sed |             
     |.                              |             
     |. gni dolores eos qui ratione  |             
     |.                              |             
     |. consectetur adipiscing elit, |             
     |.                              |   (`/\      
     |.  sed do eiusmod tempor       |   `=\/\     
     |.                              |    `=\/\    
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A corpus of field notes, research, and ramblings accumulated from my travels across Cyberspace. **Consider these living documents composed of my own thoughts & opinions**
 2023 •  Ripped (with ♥) from: §moonwalk §tmp.0ut § §primary